
Project Link


This project allows you to search for gifs by typing in the keyword(s) in the search box and clicking Gif Me Link to code

Star Wars click gamemore_vert

Project Link


The Star wars click game lets you choose a character then pick your oppenent to attack (Clicking attack button). With every win you gain health back. The game is over when you reach 0 health or your oppenents have been defeated. Enjoy. Link to code

Mongo Scrapermore_vert

Project Link


Mongo Scraper is an App that allows you to grab articles from the verge website and save them you can also click the summary to go to the article itself. Link to code


Project Link


TrainScheduler is an app connected to a firebase database that allows you to add trains(Train name, Destination,First Train time, and Frequency) the table will hold the train and display all information and calculate the next train arrival time. Link to code


Project Link


Here is a quick little test for the anime fans. This is a Trivia Game about different anime characters. You will have 10 seconds for each question. Good luck. Link to code